Avantgarde Midsummer Specials

The festival site consists of the YARD with campfire and food stands; the BARN where all loud gigs will take place; the HAYLOFT where more intimate gigs will happen and where the Małe Instrumenty will be exposed and played ; The CoC , a large gallery for paintings, photos and sculptures; the ANNEX, a smaller space for screening films, for Q&A and Meet-the-Artist sessions and for hosting spontaneous performances. Finally, our BACK GARDEN with sanitary facilities will welcome your tents/teepees. The program is subject to slight changes.

Friday June 21

Barn Hayloft CoC Annex Yard
15 Gallery Gallery Campfire
Male Instrumenty Ausstellung Films
Acousmatic Siestas
Pawel Romanczuk Food stands
RAW Thomas Otto
Julien Perrin
Groove Study
Geraldine Swayne Bar
23 John Eckardt

Saturday June 22

Barn Hayloft CoC Annex Yard
14 Exhibition Gallery Q&A
Male Instrumenty Meet the Artist Campfire
Pawel Romanczuk Films
Recursion Food stands
Tina Tonagel
faUSt & Friends

Sunday June 23

Barn Hayloft CoC Annex Yard
10 Chill Male Instrumenty Ausstellung Films
What ever happens! What ever happens! What ever happens! What ever happens!
16 What ever happens! What ever happens! What ever happens! What ever happens! Imagine!