
In the last 30 years we created various forms of gatherings/festivals/happenings to celebrate The Avantgarde and the longest day of the year and the community that grows and grows and grows and grows ...
This has only been possible due to the constant adjustments to circumstances such as force majeure, private and personal issues, strength and health and ... financial means!
We are forever grateful to all the artists and helping hands who performed, worked, donated and shared all they had for very little or no money - no money in the world can ever refund this support!
This year the funding system is simple: BUY TICKETS!
For you, for a friend, for a group, for a ghost, for the unknown...
...or donate money to the association Avantgarde Schiphorst e.V. who has been the official and legal entity behind all cultural events hosted in the past years. For more information and donation - receipts please contact us.

With your help we can realize another weekend-long gathering and cover the costs such as artists fees and travel expenses, technical equipment and basic infrastructure.