Avantgarde Midsummer Specials

Here is a little Q&A for you

How do I get to the Avantgarde Midsummer Specials site?

We are here: Steinhorster Weg 2, 23847 Schiphorst
Nearest airport is Hamburg (45km), closest train stations are Ahrensburg (25km)/Luebeck (30km)/Bad Oldesloe(15km) – you are almost there! Now take a bus to either the stop Sandesneben Schule (3km to walk or hitchhike) or the very closest one is: Schiphorst, Eichedeer Weg ( 100m from site).
the best way to find out about the bus schedule is here

Is the site (including toilets/showers) equipped for full accessibility? (barrierefreiheit)?

Sadly NOT... but many people with disabilities have enjoyed our festival in the past 27 years as we always help one another.

Are there any toilets on site?

Yes, 5 comfortable real toilets . No Dixy.

Are there any showers on site?

Yes, indoor ( warm) and outdoor (cold).

Can I put up my tent close to the site?

Yes, camping is possible.

Where can I sleep?

at local b'n'bs,
in nearby hotels like Lauenburger Hof, Landgasthof Stamer or others.

Where can I buy food? drinks?

Support the Avantgarde Midsummer Specials and buy your food/drinks on site.
We might be more expensive than fastfood but all the products we use are local and organic.
It is all home-cooking.
Our bar offers all you need at very decent prices.

Any vegan food on site?

Yes! definitely.

Are dogs allowed?

Of course . We provide water and if necessary dog food. We provide poo-bags too . Keep the site clean.
please respect that our house dog Panou will always be the one to stay in case of a conflict.

Can I sell things?

Actually no. Because the Avantgarde Midsummer Specials and the invited artists will already have merch for sale.

Any wifi on site?

We do not have wifi. Talk to each other. pretend it's 1995. 😊

yes, we have wifi

When does Avantgarde Midsummer Specials. start? end?

The official time table is:
Friday 21st: 15.00 to 23.00
Saturday 22nd: 12.00 to 23.00
Sunday 23rd: 12.00 to 18.00
Those are the official times.
Of course if you arrive a couple of hours before, it will not be a problem. You will have time to put up your tent etc...
BUT Sunday at 4 pm, all activities will have to stop so you have 2 hours to get ready to leave.
Curfew is 6 pm! and we must make sure it happens.
Only people who have a long travel ahead of them or must stay longer because of plane/train schedules may remain longer on site.


If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.