
* enjoy our very decent sanitary facilities
* Bring your own tent, camp for free on Festival site
* Motorhomes/ vans: Parking places very close to festival site.
* Book a campingbed in one of our communal tents: 5 €/ night,
>>limited number of beds ! so book early and payment in advance.
for assistance in finding a nice and affordable hotel ,
All our food is home cooked.
We care about quality and origin of ingredients.
Our chefs are dedicated and competent.
We cook also vegetarian and vegan. Our prices are fair
* Bonfire/Lagerfeuer : everyday , every night
* Fussball/Soccer Tournoi: it's always great fun to see the Festival Team being beaten by the Locals . On Saturday.
* Check/Schach Tournoi: challenge our champion. On Sunday
* Yoga : Saturday and Sunday